Thursday, January 20, 2011

Blog 20: Comprendre, c'est Pardoner

<<Comprendre, c'est pardoner>> (to understand is to forgive). I believe that this quote has a great meaning when running the course of life; especially if someone has wronged you. In a world where everyone takes an eye for an eye lost it becomes blind. I understand that it is hard to forgive those who've been against you but how else would you go about being settle and without thoughts of revenge and hatred? Even if you did nothing wrong, when someone else has hurt you, you still feel regret and sorrow. Who wants to feel that way at all, especially for a long time? Why hold grudges when you can forgive and forget? But in order to forget someone you need to understand why they wronged you and if they even meant to at all. Its hard to sit down with someone you've quarreled with and settle things between the two of you but absolutely necessary. We couldn't survive as a society without forgiveness. It is a wonderful attribute and virtue to have forgiveness is. I think that all should strive to be better and if forgiving soemone you hate means doing better, then by all means try to understand. That's the least anyone could do is try to understand the situation. Don't take the judgements you first set on people and use them against that person; not only is it wrong but its absolutely abhoring. Without such things as forgiveness humans are nothing more than the animal counterparts we are less often referred to than we should be; we are the worst of all. At least they know how to be loyal and protect their own and do good with/to the Earth. How are we better than them if we can't do any of that without force? It makes me sick to think about it. "To understand is to forget"...try; its the best anyone can do and without trying we are nothing and who wants to be nothing?

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you. The funny thing with quotes is that they have different meaning for everyone :)
