Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Blog 36: My New Updates of Life

So I realize that it's been awhile since I've updated this and so much has happened. Let's make a list shall we??

1) I got to meet and hold my new baby nephew Drake Alan after he was already 2 weeks old. He's absolutely adorable and I love him to death!! Bad news is, he peed on me the first time I held him. How babies pee through their diaper and pants, I don't know.

2) I broke up with my boyfriend a couple weeks ago. I decided that unless he could get himself under control I couldn't handle him either. He's been doing very well just being friends and getting his stuff together. He started therapy and goes every Wednesday at 2 and starting in April he'll be taking anger management classes for a couple hours every week. He's been doing very well and I'm proud of him...he also made new friends and actually has hobbies; which is weird for him so his progress is really good.

3) That guy I had a crush on, well it turned out that he liked me to. He told me, his sister, and his friends that he did and even kissed me a couple times (which was amazing by the way). He promised everyone that he and his ex weren't going to get back together, ever, but it turns out that after he promises me that he'll be there for me and help me open up more that he was going to run to her as soon as she cries for him. I admire his ability to help her after everything she did to him (which is horrible and should not be stated) but I just wish he wouldn't be so fickle. I was upset, yeah, and turns out that someone's going around telling him or his ex that I am and she's telling everyone about it; ridiculous much?? I think so.

4) I now have the dilemma of being one of my only friends without a date to prom now when originally I was one of the only ones that did. Awesome right?? Well, I guess it's not that big of a deal but it's kind of upsetting I guess. I don't even know if I want one or not. I'm kind of to the point where I don't even want to look at guys because I'm tired of dealing with everything. I could go on dates, true, but even that's getting to the ridiculous point because they're all lame and the dates turn out horrible. What to do?? I'll figure something out. I know that the reason everything's going so horrible with dating is because I haven't found the right one yet but still...can't I have a bit of luck??

5) I saw a whole bunch of movies I've never seen: Sucker Punch (simply epic; I'm cosplaying Baby Doll for Willycon), Battle Los Angeles (great action, CGI, and special effects but really cheesy lines; overall good), Jonah Hex (one of my new favorite superheroes), I Spy (funny as hell), Cop Out (not as good as I thought it was going to be but still pretty hilarious), V for Vendetta (probably my new favorite movie ever), Transporter 3 (Jason Statham is amazing), Unstoppable (really great suspense but makes me wonder what kind of engineers we have out there), and The Craft (pretty epic for a 90s movie with good acting). I love updating my movie list, it makes me happy!! I suggest any of these movies for watching; they're all really good. I enjoyed them.

6) I'm going to start watching the anime Soul Eater from the beginning because from the episodes that I've seen I absolutely love it!! My brother wants me to watch it with him and I agreed; we hardly get to do anything together anymore and it's sad. But since we're both such nerds we're going to host a campaign based off of Soul Eater and if anyone's interested let one of us know and we'll see what we can do!! It should be awesome (Bubba's really good at DM-ing).

7) Two of my friends in the Army have news: one of them comes home from deployment over in Afghanistan in late April, early June and the other is going active duty. I pray for both of them because they're good at what they do. Ironically, they're brothers and Cav Scouts together. I also have an older brother over in Afghanistan who isn't coming home until the middle of fall; I also pray for him. Even though we got to see him over Christmas, we miss him dearly. But he's very good at what he does so we don't have to worry too much; he made Sergeant in 2 1/2 years...he's that bomb.

8) I figured out my plans for college and living quarters. I've decided to stay here in Nebraska so I don't have to worry about transfer papers (they're difficult to deal with and take a really long time) and go to Northeast for my generals and then probably go to Wayne State for my majors. They're still the same: Psychology and Criminal Justice. I'll never give up my dream of being a criminal profiler. As for housing, I'm going to get an apartment with one of my friends here in town after my AIT (Advanced Individual Training) to make things easier.

9) School doesn't even have a full month left and graduation is coming nearer every day. I'm not necessarily nervous since I've already graduated from Basic Training (which is a big deal). I'm excited to get out and start new as an adult but I know if I ever need to come back home my mother would welcome me with open arms. I am going to miss friends from school and teachers; I'll have to make sure to stay in touch with everyone I'm not immediate friends with.          

10) I wish that Spring was here already; I'm getting sick and tired of all this snow. You can't do anything!! And I hate the cold; it's horrible!! I can't wait for South Carolina only for it's heat; nice and toasty!! I just want it to be nice that way running doesn't have to be so miserable and hanging out with friends doesn't always have to be inside somewhere; I hate being cooped up for too long.

11) I got to see my 9 year old niece in her first play!! She played a cook in the play Sleeping Beauty, hosted by her school Tri-County and Missoula Children's Theatre. She did great and when I asked her if she was going to keep it up in high school; she said yes!! Which is very exciting. I was definitely proud of her. Funny though that she was 1 of 2 that got flowers; I thought that was custom and courtesy?? But we made her night. She had no idea we were even going down there and didn't see us until the second time she came out but when she did see us; her face lit up like Christmas...it was beautiful.

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