Monday, March 7, 2011

Blog 33: The World

I dislike how the human race is coming down to: lies, murder, and disaster. You have to dig for good news wherever you are and it doesn't seem fair. We live in such complicated times now-- why can't the world just go back to being simple again? It's hard to understand and tolerate all the violence going on overseas and back here at home, including the harassment teenagers feel the need to put out. Facebook: a great way to keep in contact with those you hardly see and a horrible way to portray your anger. If anyone had honor like they used to, why would they hide behind a computer screen to tell people how much they hate them? But when they face their problems they blame everyone else and whine about how hard everything is; it's ridiculous to me. We are going to ruin ourselves. It started years ago, when we first learned to think and portray emotion, and has escalated fast. With our growing society comes a growing violence. We've all seen it with our own eyes and sometimes it's hard to believe it's actually happening to us. Stopping it is impossible and the continuing of it all is inevitable; we need to find a way to dwindle it. Start with yourself and if everyone focuses on that, then we'll all eventually get to the point where violence isn't needed and lies do not exist. What better world can we all hope for than one with peace and hope? Even as a soldier I pray for that...

1 comment:

  1. That is very true! The world has fallen so low. It's really sad anymore to think of how low it has have a really good point though and it would be great if it could happen but I don't know when it will.
