Thursday, January 6, 2011

Blog 3: His Jars of Souls

Death takes on many forms; sucking the life out of a shell-like body's soul and greedily adding it to his collection. In a jar, he keeps the writhing pained souls of the damned, and in another he keeps the laughing happy souls of the blessed (which he has no control over). Separate only by glass; much like in the mortal world; so that all the beauty and all the ugliness can be seen by all. In this realm, no one can hide; not even from themselves. Time does not exist in a world where time is not needed but rather dreaded; for the longer you stay, the more chance you have of doing wrong in the Creator's eyes. Fate has little to do with where you end up, she only predicts the “when” factor of the equation. So the moral of the story is: do good deeds when living and after death never give up your heart of gold; not for anything. Temptation is fine in moderation but make sure that you do not stray from the path of light or else Death will not be afraid to take you under his broken wing. Which jar you end up in all depends on you...whether you want to explore raw passion through evil, sinful ways or through light, accepting ways. The clock is ticking and no one knows for sure how much sand is left in the top of the hour glass. But there is always time for redemption which is what every man should strive for; even if he thinks he's already obtained it because it can always be demolished. Pray and do no wrong and the Creator will give his blessings to you and your family just like in the times of old; he is forever watching. But never fail to remember that Death is always lurking in the shadows and will strike when it is his time to strike; always precise like the snake he takes form of so often in legend. Beware and be cautious but never live your life in fear; the Creator will always make amends.

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