Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Blog 13: Why is a Raven like a Writing Desk?

I'm not sure if there's a real answer to this question but in my opinion the only thing that ties them together is Edgar Allan Poe; he wrote on both. Not literally wrote on a raven but about a raven in not just his poem The Raven but also in many of his other works and he wrote on a desk (the one he also mentions in some of his pieces). Technically the two have nothing in common unless you want to go into details about the desk like its color or style which could relate it to a raven but other than that, there's nothing at all that comes to mind. Poe is just about the only thing that ties the two together; so there's my answer. I do wonder though, what made Lewis Caroll think about this? Its just an odd thing...but I guess if you think about it, the whole story of Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass is quite strange as well. I'm sure it all has a meaning behind it, whatever it is.

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