Sunday, May 26, 2013

Blog 39: Letter to a Friend

Dear Dakota,

It's been so long since I've thought about you...I miss you. I can't believe it's already been close to 5 years since you've passed; some days it just seem like yesterday. There are so many things that you've missed out on...driving, prom, graduation, college, your mom's wedding, my engagement, Dan and I having a baby girl, Diego turning 16 and getting his license to drive, and soon to be, my wedding. If you were still here with us, you would've been my maid of honor; I wish I could see you in the dress that's picked out because you would've been so beautiful in it. Your mom is standing in your place; I just couldn't do it without you, I guess. You were my best friend and I loved you. There are times that I remember so clearly our times together when we were young and I miss it. We were such dreamers back then...

I went by your grave today for Memorial's been far too long since I've been by there to say "hello" like I used to. Your head stone is beautiful; even in the rain. Your mom went by today, too, and left a very pretty flower arrangement that said "daughter" in purple flowers. I know she misses and loves you, so're still very much a part of our lives. There were several other bouquets; I guess everyone was thinking of touched so many people, I know I'm not the only one to miss you. You were so strong, beautiful, creative, and should have gone so far in life and done so many great things. In a way I feel like I didn't do some of the things I wanted to because you weren't there to share the experience with me...they were our thing. Every time I see or hear Christina Aguilera, I think of you and how you used to worship her music and it make me smile. You were such a gifted singer.

As Lilia gets older, I promise she'll know her mama's amazing childhood friend; I couldn't let her go without the memories of us. I still have the white rabbit, Ruby Beth, you gave me that looks like Diamond Ruthy's twin and once my daughter can understand the importance, it'll be passed down to her. I brought my rabbit to the funeral; it helped me feel closer to you hadn't really gone.

I'll make it a more frequent thing to visit and share what's going on with you; I'm upset with myself for not having done that sooner. Life just gets ahold and drags us along sometimes, I guess...I just wish you were here with us...

I love you; you're in my prayers.

Love always,

Ashley <3

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Blog 38: 'Affairs of the Heart' Background Information

Affairs of the Heart
The Wrenwick Manor- a lively and open place with parties monthly, a decorative garden (only for show), and a strict set of social standards
The Greenwood Manor- a dull and gothic place where society strays from but with a secret flower garden for the late Lady of the manor and a dark history
The forest of Kingham, England- a dense forest near a prairie; the Thorton’s personal hunting grounds for large game    
James Bevington- Lord of the Greenwood Manor outside of Kingham, England; a sociopath by nature and widower; in his late thirties; dark, gaunt, and gloomy
Cameron Keys- servant of the Greenwood Manor; caretaker of grounds and animals; silent; tall; lanky with ratty brown hair; always dirty
Thomas Thorton- Lord of the Wrenwick Manor outside of Kingham, England (eleven miles from the Greenwood Manor); a sociable man; slightly plump with greying and thinning hair; in his late thirties
Bethany (Beth) Thorton- Lady of the Wrenwick Manor; the classic and conservative lady; tall and thin with dark hair; mid thirties
Emelia Thorton- daughter of Thomas and Bethany Thorton; both compassionate and curious; blonde hair, beautiful, and petite
Gerald Barker- servant of the Wrenwick Manor; caretaker of grounds; tutor to Emelia; married to Diane; tall and thin with grey hair; in his sixties
Diane Barker- servant of the Wrenwick Manor; wet nurse and caretaker to Emelia; married to Garald; short and slightly plump with dark hair; vary homely; in late fifties
Ernest Spalding- business man out of London who spends his hunting season with the Thortons; late thirties; dark hair with greying temples; average height and weight
Fredrick Blake- son-in-law to Ernest Spalding; a good looking young man; tall; also from London; a lawyer
Messenger- town messenger of Kingham, England; a boy no older than fifteen; clean shaven; always seen wearing a cap
Doctor- town doctor; old practitioner; in his late fifties with grey and white hair

A bittersweet and romantic drama.

Blog 37: It's Been a Long Time My Friends

I can't believe, looking back now, that I haven't posted since October of 2011...what's wrong with me?? Blogging used to be my thing; a release of sorts where I could jot down any number of ramblings I wanted in a day. I guess life just got the best of me...Now, here I am, a mother already graduated high school about to get married in a year with no college education and a little less than three years left in the National Guard. Where has time gone?? I'm not complaining by any means, I love the life that I have and I wouldn't change it for the world. So much has happened and I'm not even sure where to begin...

1) I'm a mom!! My daughter turned two months old yesterday; she's getting so big already. I found myself, just the other day, worrying about which college she'd choose because I knew once she's decided, I have to let her go. I felt so crazy to be thinking of that already when she hasn't even begun to crawl but when you're a parent, there's never enough time to be with your child. Her name is Lilia Marie Evans...Lilia after my mother's favorite flower, the lilac and Marie after her grandma's middle name (from her daddy's side). Yes, her father is still in the picture and happily so; we're getting married next year and he loves both of us to death. She is the most beautiful yet terrifying thing that has ever happened to me. I could never ask for a better life with her. I feel so spoiled now because I get every day with her which means I can watch her grow. It's amazing just the changes that occur in only two months time. She looks a lot like her daddy; including his adorable dimples and beautiful eyes but she has my nose, ears, and toes. We haven't decided if she's a brunette or red head yet; maybe a bit of both?? Whatever it turns out to be, she's going to be a heart breaker. Her daddy says, "just like her momma."

2) I'm engaged!! I'm getting married May 30, 2014 to the love of my life. He and I have made it through some really rough times as both friends and lovers. He's an amazing, honest, funny, supportive, hard working, strong, protective, yet ornery man. I couldn't live without him. His name is Daniel Scott Evans, or Dan. He proposed to me after I'd been away to training for a week. I was still in my sweaty uniform from the summer heat as I walked through the front door to our house. I heard the radio blaring and thought that our roommate Devin was home and I was so tired I couldn't remember if I'd seen any vehicles outside. I dropped my bags in the back room and walked through the kitchen calling out, "Devin??" I got no response so I went into her room and turned the stereo off. I turned around, back into the kitchen, and I jumped. Dan had crept out of our bedroom and into the kitchen behind me. "Oh my God, Dan, you scared me!!" He just smiled and dropped a pillow on the hard floor before kneeling on his knee. My heart sped up as he took my hand and looked up at me with his beautiful eyes. "Ashley, you are the love of my life and I want to spend the rest of our lives together. Will you marry me??" Of course I smiled and pulled him to his feet for a hug and said, "Yes!!" Ever since then, I've been looking around and inspiring myself with pictures and ideas for the wedding and reception and I can't wait till next spring!!

3) I'm getting a house!! The loan is finalized in the middle of June so we can buy our own house here in Pierce, where we've decided to settle down and raise Lilia. It's a small looking but rather big white country house near the grain elevator. It has a plentiful yard, two car garage, a basement, main floor, and upstairs. We have some big plans for this place!! We're adding: a porch, flower bed, dog kennel, trampoline, play fort/sand box combination, and hot tub. Of course there's work to be done, the house was built in 1949 and everything is still original; including the toilet. Our first order of business is the bathroom, then we'll move onto appliances, making two bedrooms, a laundry room, and a bathroom in the basement, putty, and paint. Lilia will have her own room and I even get to paint the kitchen my favorite color orange to match all of the homemade cupcake décor. Dan will get the garage for his 'man cave' where we may eventually put a pool table; that we're undecided about. Needless to say, we are stoked to become home owners!!

4) Now for some family news!! My oldest brother finally got married to Christina Woodbury in October 2012 and they had their first child together in January. Chris's daughter Olivia makes a great big sister to Peighton Renee. My nephew, Drake, turned two in March this year; it's amazing how much he's grown but he's still my little Bubby!! My twin brother, Dakota is marrying his girlfriend of a little over a year, Emily Chamberlin on June 22, 2013. It'll be a small but grand occasion and we're all very happy for them!! He proposed to her in front of literally the entire family at Christmas dinner; her mom even got to be there.

I'd say we've had a pretty good couple of years, my family and I, with many more to come I'm sure. I'm ready for whatever the future holds because I have such an amazing support system. I don't know what I'd do without them all...